STLTH Vape was started by a group of entrepreneurs, all of whom were ex-smokers. An introduction to vaping products almost a decade ago quickly helped our founder’s transition away from traditional cigarettes. This life-changing experience confirmed their belief in the potential capabilities of vaping systems. They knew however, in order for vaping systems to be adopted by adult smokers it would have to be one that is practical, affordable and effective. With that in mind, came a simple yet powerful Mission: To provide a real alternative to traditional tobacco products for Adult Smokers.
As a proud, independently owned Canadian company, STLTH Vape continues to put the customer at the centre of everything we do. This is displayed through our Core Values of:
Providing and investing in the highest Quality products, people, processes and machines
Creating true Value for all customers, partners and employees.
Building Support for all stakeholders including our communities and their environment
Ensuring Trust in that we will lead with our actions and compliance in the battle against traditional tobacco.
Our analytical machinery plays a critical role in developing, creating, producing and maintaining less harmful products. As a leader in compliance, we also consult third-party labs regularly to validate our methods and results. With ongoing investments in Canadian production, such as filling and packaging, supported by a wide array of subject matter experts in science and technology to user experience and customer support, STLTH looks to continue to advance towards A World Free of Nicotine Addiction.
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WARNING: Vape products contain nicotine, a highly addictive chemical.
Health Canada